Digital is Absolutely Lighting the Way

Digital is Absolutely Lighting the Way

Watch our in-depth webinar on digital, here! That shining light on the horizon is digital. January Spring is optimistic for our partners, as we look ahead to 2023 revenue and growth. Working with hundreds of media companies across the US, we have the pulse on what’s...
Remarketing Your Audience For Your Highest Reward

Remarketing Your Audience For Your Highest Reward

We consistently hear from our publisher partners, that the need to grow their digital audience is just as important as their digital ad goals.  We agree! We would like to praise and acknowledge one of the publishers that we work closely with, NEI Turner. BRAVA...
Say “I do” to Winning Over the Bride

Say “I do” to Winning Over the Bride

Bridal season is on the horizon and that means the planning is occurring right now. Advertisers need to be in-front of brides now. January Spring approaches weddings with a full-funnel marketing plan because there’s an entire wedding party that needs to be taken into...
Surviving Google’s Cookie Apocalypse

Surviving Google’s Cookie Apocalypse

You can think of cookies as a file that a browser uses to be able to have identifiers or information about someone’s visit to a page. It’s a little piece of code used to provide insight about someone’s actions online. These files are what we would call an identity...
Planting Thoughts in Your Holiday Shopper’s Minds

Planting Thoughts in Your Holiday Shopper’s Minds

Tis the season, yet again, to another few months of family time, being merry, and well, let’s be honest… spending money. While consumers are figuring out their savings and prepping a list for the big, jolly man up North, businesses are also getting ready in terms of...